Cheesy Cauliflower

What is really better than cheese?

I have been eating more cauliflower lately, in different ways (riced and mashed) and so when one of my favorite blogs,, put up this recipe, I figured it was a must.  It ended up being one of our Easter side dishes.  It is super easy to doctor up the recipe to be gluten-free friendly.

Their pictures are a lot better than mine *hides*

It is simply making a cheese sauce, pouring it over chopped up cauliflower (after blanching it for 2 minutes), and topping it with some form of bread crumbs and parsley.  Use Trader Joe’s Almond Meal in place of bread crumbs.  Season the almond meal anyway you’d like.  Can’t go wrong with thyme and sage.  Bake it at 350 degrees for 20 minutes or until it is brown and bubbly.

You won’t even realize that it is a vegetable that you are eating.

Cheesy Cauliflower

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